Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Jan. 14th

This week it's actually cold here in Houston. It rarely drops below freezing here, so I know I have nothing to complain about! But I mention the temperature for another reason.

Recently, many of us at C3 have begun to get to know a couple of guys who are living on the streets near an I-10 overpass. Yesterday during lunch, I offered to get them to a place where they'd be out of the cold, but they were hesitant. Why? I'm not sure. Fear, skepticism, pride, doubt- these things don't disappear when you become homeless. When we finished with lunch, it was incredibly hard to say goodbye and drive away. We've tried to make sure they have warm clothes and sleeping bags. 

It was below 28 degrees last night here, and they were outside.  

We cannot make a decision for anyone else (Christ-followers should truly understand this), but we can certainly pray that God will softly speak to their hearts. 

Ironically, I was able to share the Gospel at length with them yesterday, and they were eager to talk (the conversation was driven by their questions, which was great). But the Good News of Jesus Christ goes beyond talking. When we say we love Him, it only makes sense that our words would be followed with action. 

Please pray that we are showing the Gospel every bit as loudly as we speak it. And please pray for our new friends.


In Him We Live,



katdish said...

Please pray for this little girl!

Christine said...

Praying that God's word to these men, both heard in your conversations and witnessed in your actions, will not be stolen before taking root.
I am excited for these men!

In Him,
Christine :)