Monday, June 2, 2008

Monday, June 2nd

Thanks for visiting the C3 prayer partner's blog!

This week (on Tues.), I am heading down to Houston to get thing ready for our "big" move, and get some more preliminary stuff done.

-I'd be grateful if you would pray for my trip (I'll be driving this time, to take our car down), and also for our family- especially Quinn and Kyra- while I am away from them.

-Please keep praying for our housing situation- God is doing some really cool things in that area! I'm looking forward to telling you how it all works out.

-As always, please pray for the people that will be involved in the core group at Convergence.

- Please continue to pray with us for the right place to rent when we begin to hold public services.

Thanks again!

In Him We Live,


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