Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Tuesday, June 24th


Thank you so very much for continuing to pray for Convergence Christian Church! I am less than a week away from my return trip to Ohio. After about a week's stay (enough time to help finish packing), we will take off on the "big" move to Texas! Tam and the girls are very excited to see their new home, and we're all excited to see each other again after almost a month apart. We'll be leaving Ohio Sunday afternoon, July 6th and driving to St. Louis to see my family for 2 days and then heading to Texas. We plan on being back to Houston and ready to unload by Friday, July 11th, and would really appreciate your prayers for all that will go into this major relocation!

Please also continue to pray for all the great people that God is bringing to us as we begin to form our core team. We will be meeting this coming Saturday, June 28th for a cookout and will soon be meeting regularly every week! Please pray that as we lay the foundation for this new Body of Christ, our focus will remain on Christ and His Kingdom.

As always, I would ask that you pray that my example would reflect Christ, and that my leadership would clearly show that I am His follower.

In Him We Live,


1 comment:

Kris said...

jeff, we love you and all the girls in your like. we will continue to pray.
